

Harmon/org is born, the platform for the causes that move us

Ever since the conception of Harmon, we knew that the actions we took here had to leave the world better than we found it.

To this end, from the beginning (in all senses), we have worked on projects that generate impact along this goal.

And now we have grouped them all under one banner: Harmon/org.

Harmon/org was not conceived with the grandiose sense of self of someone who believes they will fix the planet or society’s problems, but with the humility of someone committed to doing what is within their grasp.

Because there is much to be done, be what it may. And our way of doing is to provide solutions , listen, and support those who already have them.

It stirs us that we are forgetting our towns, that culture is not seen as a right, or that young people do not feel compelled to use their vote. That is why we promote projects like Vivaces, La España Medio Llena, Hartmon, ConVozyVoto, or Parlamentia.

But it also moves us to support those who are already making a difference.

We support projects such as, which is transforming digital education for boys and girls; One Health, which is demonstrating that health is human, but also animal and environmental; the EKI Foundation, helping to ensure electricity is not a luxury in other countries; or working alongside platforms that are rethinking the role of business in society.

And we are committed to allowing all our consultants to dedicate 5% of their time to these social impact projects.

There are things that move us so deeply that we do them just because we must.

We move because we are moved.

That´s Harmon/org





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