

Happy Europe Day!

We want to celebrate by gifting you this report on the political climate heading toward the next European parlamentary elections.

No, this isn´t about Real Madrid’s game yesterday.

Today, May 9th, is the anniversary of the historic “Schuman Declaration,” when he presented his idea of a new form of political cooperation in Europe that would make war between European nations unthinkable.

To celebrate it, we want to give you this report on the European Elections, which will be held exactly one month from now, on June 9th. Please note, the report is solely in Spanish.

In a community context framed by three crises, where the Schuman Declaration could come into question, we wanted to analyze the current situation and future challenges as a prelude to the European Parliament Elections of 2024.

In addition, we review the profiles of the main candidates for the presidency of the European Commission and provide a special focus on the Spanish candidacies.

As the Letta report says, Europe is much more than a market, and what is at stake is important, so from Harmon we invite you to participate in the elections and hope that, after reading this report, we can shed more light on everything that is at stake in the Union for the next five years.

From the EU Affairs team at Harmon, we await you, to help and support you with any non-market issues related to the European Union and its institutions.

Don´t hesitate to contact us.




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